Research Institute of Islamic History

The main objectives of the Institute are to present to the English speaking world the most detailed and authentically reliable work on the Seerah (biography) of the greatest man: Prophet Muhammadﷺ

Through methodological research in the extensive and numerous works available in Arabic, we aim to translate and produce the best book on the Seerah in English.

While many good books exist, they are either too concise or contain unreliable information or even sometimes fabricated lies; thus the great need of a comprehensive, authentic, and reliable book on the Seerah.

The Muslims need and deserve this inspiration from the life of our role-model. The Non-Muslim world, especially the academia, are in need of learning and understanding Islam from the correct and reliable sources.

This is not a profit project, alhamdulillah. The results of the work will be published here on the Institute’s website (riih.org). This is aimed to be a sadaqa jaariya project – a continuous charity – that benefits humanity eternally by the permission of Allaah.

In the future the Institute will also aim to organize seminars, conferences and workshops to achieve and promote its objectives on spreading the life of the greatest human – prophet Muhammadﷺ